14 April 2010

OrangeBear Spree [ON GOING]

1.Spree Website:
OrangeBear中大尺碼時尚館 for bigger sizes
OB design購物網 for smaller sizes

2. Spree Closure
On Going
(I will place order every Friday. OB will ship out ex-stock items by the following week and I'll able to receive w/i 8 to 10 working days. For pre order items will have to wait for 6 to 8 weeks)

3. Orders
Email orders to : clsw75@gmail.com

4. Click here  for Payment methonds.

5. Click here for Distribution of items instruction. 

6. Exchange rate
SGD1 : TW 21 

7. Shipping details
Direct shipping from Taiwan to Singapore
Pay $3.00 per item first to offset shipping. *subject to top ups / refunds

8. Refer here for term and condition. 

9. Format of order
Real name:
Mode of Collection: Normal Postage/ Registered/ Self Collect @ JE St-24
Total Qty:

Format of Item:
Item #1
Item Name: (《A3521》白/黑系寬領咖啡館印圖五分袖口袋長版上衣)
Product Code : (A3521-3-46)
Image of colour : (Right click on the colour of the image that u want, then click properties & copy & paste the URL.)
Price in TWD:

Total in SGD : [TWD/21] + (no of items x S$3) =

[Payment details]
ref no:
ATM time/date:

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